Month: April 2011

If God is already doing the most he can do, how does prayer increase his influence?

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Question: If God always does the most that he can in every tragic situation, as you claim in Satan and the Problem of Evil,  how can you believe that prayer increases his influence, as you…

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If God anticipates each possibility perfectly, how does he differ from the “frozen God” of classical theism?

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Question: If God anticipates each and every possibility as if each were only possibility, how does God ever experience novelty and adventure? It seems that a God who perfectly anticipated (from all eternity)  every single…

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If God shouldn’t get blamed when free agents do evil, why should he be thanked when they do good?

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Scripture tells us that every good gift comes from God the Father who “does not change like shifting shadows” (Ja 1:17).  I interpret this to mean that God is always good and that he’s always…

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