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Podcast: How Should We Handle Disagreements in the Church?

Greg discusses Christian conflict resolution.


Send Questions To:

Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



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Lighten Up: A Seeker-Sensitive Church Naming Committee

The Religionless Church of the Future

  “The time when men could be told everything by means of words, whether theological or simply pious, is over, and so is the time of…religion as such.… [W]hat is religionless Christianity?… What is the significance of a Church… in a religionless world?” Deitrich Bonhoeffer, Letter From Prison, April 30th, 1944. The Crisis of a…

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