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Lessons from Jimmy Fallon
David Henson published a blog last week entitled 6 Things the Church Can Learn From Jimmy Fallon that we thought was a tad profound. What would the church look like if we embraced these lessons? Well, let’s just say that we’d take ourselves a little less seriously.
You should read the entire blog post, but we especially liked Lesson 2 so here it is:
Lesson 2: Embrace Divine Playfulness. Now, certainly there are times to be serious. But there is a rare child-like glee that is refreshing. As adults, we’ve lost the importance and the spirituality of play. But each week, Jimmy invites serious actors and musicians to loosen up and just play. They play charades, Pictionary, and a variety of off-the-wall games. What’s most remarkable to me is witnessing four diverse celebrities, in the span of 7 minutes, form a semblance of community through their good-natured play. It is a good reminder, and a reminder the church often forgets, that play is a profound form of prayer that brings people together.
Category: General
Tags: Church, Fun, Jimmy Fallon
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