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New Feature: We Need YOU!

For the last several years we’ve been running a feature every Friday called Lighten Up. It was fun for a while, but it’s gotten harder and harder to find light-hearted, relevant content. That’s where you come in.

We’d like to start something slightly different on Fridays that features content sent to us by YOU! There’s a LOT of bad news out there, and it’s very easy to forget that we are a people centered on hope. So we’re asking you to send us things that remind us that there is hope and goodness and laughter and light. It might be a photograph or a video or a news story or a testimony. It really doesn’t matter as long as it is uplifting in some way or makes us smile.

We can’t guarantee that we’ll run everything that you share with us, but if we do, we’ll be sure to thank you. (Let us know if you want us to share your last name.) You can send your entries to editor@reknew.org.

Here’s a few things to keep in mind:

  • Write “Friday submission” in the title of your email.
  • If you send photographs, make sure that they are high resolution.
  • We won’t run content that is intended to raise funds.
  • We won’t run content that is political in nature.
  • Make sure that you cite your source if it’s not something that you created.
  • It’s not a hard and fast rule, but try to keep videos under five minutes. (The shorter, the better.)

Thanks in advance for your help! OK, ready, set, go!


Photo via VisualHunt.com

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