Poverty & Homelessness Part 1: Laura Solberg — How Broken Relationship Contributes to Poverty (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: homelessness, Poverty, Solidarity with the Poor
Dan chats with Laura Solberg about how developing relationship helps heal the sources of poverty. See the public event with Brian Fikkert HERE. Laura’s work can be found here: ThereIsJustUs.com Episode 499 http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0499.mp3
Friday Lights: Megan’s Story
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Compassion, Friday Lights, Hope, Poverty
Each Friday we post content sent to us by our readers that is inspiring, funny, lighthearted or just generally fun. If you’d like more information on submitting content for this feature you can get more information here. …
Is America Uniquely Favored by God?
Category: General
Tags: America, Greed, Poverty
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
The tendency of wealth to entrap people in greed has been confirmed in numerous studies. Research has consistently shown that, generally speaking, the more people have, the less percentage of their income they tend to…

Poor and Black in America
Category: General
Tags: Drew Hart, Justice, Kingdom Living, Poverty, Prejudice
Marco via Compfight Drew Hart is someone with a rare voice. I’m sharing the bio from his blog in its entirety because I think knowing some of his story gives authority to his words. Drew…

Who is Your Family?
Category: General
Tags: Already Not Yet, Community, Family, India, Justice, Miracles, Poverty
Gates Foundation via Compfight Living in the tension of the already and the not yet is a blog written by Americans living in India who have chosen to live among the poor at their same…

We’re in This Together: Unity and Disunity
Category: General
Tags: Christena Cleveland, Current Events, Division, Kingdom, Kingdom Living, Poverty, Reconciliation, Unity
Hartwig HKD via Compfight Christena Cleveland has been doing a series called Beyond Multiethnic on her blog for the last several weeks. It’s superb. In her introductory post, she states: I’m excited about the booming…

When Good Choices Are Not Enough
Category: General
Tags: Choice, Dave Ramsey, Oppression, Poverty, Privilege, Rachel Held Evans
J J via Compfight Our friend Rachel Held Evans posted on the CNN Belief Blog in response to a blog on Dave Ramsey’s website entitled The 20 Things Rich People Do Every Day. Rachel points out, rightly,…

Speaking of “the Poor”
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Poverty
D. L. Mayfield wrote this guest post on Love is What You Do titled The Language of Poverty. How do we think of and interact with “the poor” on a daily basis? Here’s some good…
If you really want to defend the poor from Caesar, shouldn’t we use the political means that exist? It’s easy to make your argument when you are in a position of privilege.
Category: Q&A
Tags: Kingdom Living, Politics, Poverty
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Question: I’ve been reading your blogs for a while. I’ve read multiple texts written by you and it’s difficult to listen much longer as someone in poverty. It’s easy to make your argument when you…
Life and Death in Haiti
Category: General
Tags: Haiti, Poverty, Problem of Evil
Sometimes it’s important to hear about other lives, much sadder and difficult than our own, to reorient us to what is most important. In this season of elections that can be so divisive and in…