Two Kingdoms
Category: General
Tags: America, Kingdom of this World, The Kingdom of God
The kingdom of God is holy—meaning “separate, set apart, consecrated.” It looks like Jesus, nothing else. We can’t simply equate the kingdom with everything we think is good, noble, and true. Nor can we align…
Making America an Idol
Category: General
Tags: America, Kingdom of God, National Idolatry, Nationalism
I write as a kingdom person in the context of America, presently the dominant empire in the world. In that light, I’d like to address the fact that my calling is to resist nationalism even…
Remembering the Myth During Election Season
Category: General
Tags: America, Myth of a Christian Nation, Nationalism, Politics, Religious Idolatry
Given the current political furor in America right now, we thought we would post an extended quote from Greg’s book The Myth of a Christian Nation. This book was originally a reflection on Christian political engagement…
Is America Uniquely Favored by God?
Category: General
Tags: America, Greed, Poverty
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
The tendency of wealth to entrap people in greed has been confirmed in numerous studies. Research has consistently shown that, generally speaking, the more people have, the less percentage of their income they tend to…
Should Christians Recite the Pledge of Allegiance?
Category: Q&A
Tags: America, Myth of a Christian Nation, Myth of a Christian Religion, Nationalism, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
A number of years ago I attended a basketball game at a Christian school. Just before the game everyone was asked to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance. So I stood, placed my hand…

Is America Uniquely “Under God”?
Category: General
Tags: America, Myth of a Christian Nation, National Idolatry, Nationalism, Theocracy
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
As a rallying slogan for our civil religion, the proclamation that we are “one nation under God” arguably serves a useful social function, for it gives many Americans a sense of shared values and vision….

Is America God’s Favored Nation?
Category: General
Tags: America, Finances, Kingdom Living, Wealth and Responsibility
Bart via Compfight Is money a sign of God’s blessing? If so then the more you have the more blessed of God you are. If a church has more money, then more of God’s favor…

You’re Not a Pacifist Are You?
Category: General
Tags: America, Brian Zahnd, Counter-Culture, Gentleness, Gospels, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Non-Violence, Pacifism, Peace
Jayel Aheram via Compfight Brian Zahnd wrote a great piece the other day on this topic. He contends that when he is asked this question, it often has the same flavor of the question, “You’re…

As We Approach the 4th
Category: General
Tags: America, David D. Flowers, Idolatry, July 4th, Nationalism, Pledge of Allegiance
zen Sutherland via Compfight This is the time of year when we start hearing loud bangs at night and you have to ask yourself the following multiple choice question: Was that bang: a car backfiring?…
Are You Anti-American?
Category: Q&A
Tags: America, Greg Boyd, Nationalism, Political Idolatry, Politics, ReKnew, Video Q&A
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Greg answers the frequently asked question of whether he is anti-American. What’s your best guess? Watch the video and find out!