Are Christians Required to Give 10% of Their Income to the Church?
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Finances, Tithing
Question: I and my husband have become increasingly uncomfortable with the many sermons on tithing we’ve been recently hearing at our church. Our pastor insists we tithe 10% to the church regardless of what else we…

Is America God’s Favored Nation?
Category: General
Tags: America, Finances, Kingdom Living, Wealth and Responsibility
Bart via Compfight Is money a sign of God’s blessing? If so then the more you have the more blessed of God you are. If a church has more money, then more of God’s favor…

Lighten Up: Happy Black Friday
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Consumerism, Finances
Be careful out there folks.
Consumer Wars: Sermon Clip
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Consumerism, Contentment, Finances, Greed, Kingdom Living
To go along with our other post today, here’s a clip from Greg’s sermon last week. If you don’t have any financial margin in your life, this might have something to do with it. You…

The Beauty and Necessity of Margins
Category: General
Tags: Bev Murrill, Book of Ruth, Finances, Generosity, She Loves
Nikos Koutoulas via Compfight Bev Murrill wrote a piece over on the She Loves blog about how we live with money based on a story from the Book of Ruth. Do you live on the…
How Much Is Enough?
Category: General
Tags: Finances, Kingdom Living
Richard Beck over at Experimental Theology wrote a reflection on insights he gained from the book How Much is Enough?: Money and the Good Life by Robert Skidelsky and Edward Skidelsky. He points out how the advent…