Religious Idolatry
9 Reasons Faith ≠ Certainty
Category: General
Tags: Apologetics, Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Faith, Religious Idolatry
Topics: Faith & Doubt
One of the things that Christians typically believe in and that I’ve struggled with a great deal is the concept of faith. Like most Christians, I once assumed a person’s faith is as strong as…
Do Not Fear
Category: General
Tags: Fear, Love, Politics, Religious Idolatry
We interrupt this election season to bring you the following reminder: [F]ear is a diabolic force. Its ultimate creator is Satan, and he uses it to keep us in bondage (Heb. 2:15). Throughout history, leaders…
Christianity and American Politics
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Missio Alliance, National Idolatry, Politics, Religious Idolatry, Voting
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Greg was recently featured in Missio Alliance’s Seminary Dropout podcast to share his thoughts about the role of Christians in American politics. Today we’re sharing part 1 of that conversation. What is the role of…
False Gods in the Church
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Religious Idolatry
We often think of an idol as a statue, but an idol can be anything we use to meet the needs that only God can meet. In other words, a false god. There is no…
Religion that Blinds Us to God
Category: General
Tags: Jesus, Relationships, Religion, Religious Idolatry
For a variety of reasons, many Jews at the time of Jesus had come to believe that heaven had been closed since the writing of the last book of the Old Testament. God was distant…
Remembering the Myth During Election Season
Category: General
Tags: America, Myth of a Christian Nation, Nationalism, Politics, Religious Idolatry
Given the current political furor in America right now, we thought we would post an extended quote from Greg’s book The Myth of a Christian Nation. This book was originally a reflection on Christian political engagement…
ReThinking the Source of Life
Category: General
Tags: Idolatry, Life, Love, Religious Idolatry, Theology
Topics: Following Jesus
Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring the twelve convictions of the ReKnew Manifesto. The first of which focuses on where we get life. In many of my writings, I speak about the…
A Jesus Kind of Church
Category: General
Tags: Church, Judgment, Love, Religious Idolatry
Topics: The Church
The church can only be the conduit of God’s love if it stops judging others (See yesterday’s post). This means that it will stop being concerned about its reputation in the eyes of those who…
Possibility of Love
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Evil, Judgment, Love, Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion, Sin
Topics: The Problem of Evil
In this video, Greg explores the core sin that stands in the way of love. You might be surprised by what it is. Video by The Work of the People
When the Bible Becomes an Idol
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Religious Idolatry
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
In John 5, we read about Jesus confronting some religious leaders saying, “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about…
Repent! … From the Sin of Religion
Category: General
Tags: Judgment, Living in Love, Love, Religion, Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion, Servant
Topics: Following Jesus
People often think that being Christian is about “being religious,” but loving others in the way that Christ instructs us is about as far removed from religion as anything could be. Religion, as I use…
The Kind of Sin Jesus Publicly Exposes
Category: General
Tags: Judgment, Love and Judgment, Religion, Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion
Topics: Following Jesus
Image by danny.hammontree via Flickr Religious sin is the only sin Jesus publicly confronted. The religious variety of the forbidden fruit is the most addictive and deceptive variety. Instead of acknowledging that judging others is prohibited, religious…

What Motivates Torture “In Jesus’ Name”?
Category: General
Tags: Holiness, Humility, Idolatry, Judgment, Kingdom Living, Love, Religious Idolatry, Torture
Topics: Following Jesus
Why has the church, at times, tortured and murdered people? What motivates killing and persecution “in the name of Jesus” or “for the glory of God”? (See the post from yesterday about how the church…

The Most Subtle of Idolatries
Category: General
Tags: Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion
In our fallen state, separated from our true source center, we live from the knowledge of good and evil regardless of the particular idols from which we try to get life. [see yesterday’s post] Some…

In the Wilderness of Religion
Category: General
Tags: Doubt, Ed Cyzewski, Evangelism, Faith, Jesus, Religion, Religious Idolatry, Sarah Bessey, World Vision
Eric Bryan via Compfight There are an awful lot of us in the Church today who are no longer feeling at home in Evangelicalism. Regardless of how you feel about World Vision’s hiring policy decisions,…

Imaging God Wrongly: God’s Self-Portrait, Part 2
Category: Essays
Tags: Adam and Eve, Character of God, Essay, Idolatry, Imaginative Prayer, Picture of God, Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion, Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Topics: Christology
Our relationship with God depends on the way we imagine God. When we get the image of God right, the doors open for us to trust and relate to God in the ways we were…

The Idolatrous Devotion to Inerrancy
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Ed Cyzewski, Inerrancy, Religious Idolatry, Truth
Luca Rossato via Compfight Ed Cyzewski posted some thoughts on his blog on why he hates the word “inerrancy”. He agrees with something Greg has been saying for a while now that seems shocking to many:…

God in Our Image
Category: General
Tags: Bible, God, Jesus, Jonathan Storment, Religious Idolatry, Religious Violence
zen Sutherland via Compfight We came across this piece written by Jonathan Storment earlier this month and we had to share it here. The title of the piece is Everyday Idolatry: My God. He does a…

Thinking Biblically?
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Cruciform Theology, Humility, Micah J Murray, Rachel Held Evans, Religious Idolatry
Olga Caprotti via Compfight Micah J. Murray over at Redemption Pictures posted this reflection called Beware of Thinking Biblically. The image of a google search on the topic is worth the price of admission. Christians throw…

The Image of God
Category: General
Tags: Father, Jesus, Picture of God, Religious Idolatry
Distorted from Is the image of God you hold in your heart one that attracts or repels you?