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Lighten Up: Something Deeper Than Membership

pearls-sep20It shouldn’t be this weird.

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Join the Revolution!

We are living at a very important, and very exciting, juncture of history. The old religion of Christendom that has been identified with “Christianity” the last 1600 years is dying, and out of its ruins is arising a new tribe of kingdom revolutionaries. All around the globe people are getting the revelation that the kingdom…

Lighten Up: Technology Trap

Don’t get stuck folks.

End of Year Reflection

As we approach the end of this year, I’d like to take a moment to personally thank all of you who are invested in ReKnew. Honestly, your prayers, your words of encouragement, and your financial support mean the world to me and to the entire ReKnew team. It has been a truly exciting year. I…

To My Offender

We’re happy to introduce you today to Brandon Andress. He is the author of AND THEN THE END WILL COME! and UNEARTHED: How Discovering the Kingdom of God Will Transform the Church and Change the World. He has served as an elder and teaching pastor at The Living Room Church in Columbus, Indiana. Brandon writes…

Lighten Up: Gratitude

Here’s a 6 minute meditation on gratitude by Louie Schwartzberg. Take our word for it. It’s worth the time.

Lighten Up: Appreciating Life

Today we’re appreciating the life of Nelson Mandela. What a beautiful soul.