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Standing Our Ground Together


Travon Martin and Osheta's young son

Travon Martin and Osheta’s young son

Osheta Moore is someone we’ve featured here before. She’s a lovely, thoughtful, passionate African-American woman of God ministering with her husband T.C. Moore in Boston. Osheta has been featuring a series called Standing Our Ground…In Prayer. In the wake of the tragic and senseless death of Jordan Davis, she struggled to articulate the grief and anger she was feeling. This series is an astounding response to the unspeakable losses of our black youth and the systemic racism that still plagues our country. Osheta’s response is directly from the Psalms. She invited both black and white women to express their grief and solidarity in the form of prayers. Let’s join her in prayer that our black youth can move freely through our nation without fear of being targeted and even killed because of the color of their skin.

Lord have mercy.

Here’s a snippet of a prayer from Osheta’s first guest, Jessica Kelley:

I’ve never heard their cries so loudly. I come in repentance.

I come pleading for comfort. When my son laughed the sun burned brighter. When my son died, that bright star fell,

leaving bitter darkness and unspeakable cold. I plead comfort for Jordan Davis’ mother, Lucia. I plead comfort for

Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina. I come pleading for the families and friends of these precious boys. I come pleading

for every soul wounded by every trauma and every death. I come pleading for comfort.

You can find all of the posts of this series here:

Feb 25

Feb 26

Feb 27

Feb 28

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