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Why did God create me with an uncontrollable sex drive?
Question: Why did God create us with far more of a sex drive than we need for reproduction and far more than we can handle to refrain from sex before and outside of marriage? It seems like a cruel joke!
Answer: Sex is a wonderful, beautiful, God-glorifying gift. It’s not just for reproduction–it’s also for married couples to enjoy and functions as the sign of their life-long covenant.
But it’s true that many find the call to refrain from sex before and outside of marriage to be very challenging. The problem here is not the sex drive itself, but our screwed up priorities. Sex is good, but it’s to be subservient to a far greater good – namely, obeying God. When God isn’t enthroned as the highest priority, sex moves up toward the top of the priority list for many and they experience it as an almost uncontrollable “lord” over their life.
The challenge is not to suppress your sex drive – which you’d probably have little success at doing anyway. The challenge, rather, is to make God the highest priority of your life. Seek first the Kingdom, Jesus said (Mt 6:33). You’ll find that the more you pour yourself into being a disciple of Jesus, the more power you’ll have over your sex drive.
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Problem of Evil, Providence, Q&A, Sexuality, Sin
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, Sin
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