Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments
Category: Essays
Tags: Apologetics, Essay, Problem of Evil, Spiritual Warfare
Topics: Creation Care, Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict, The Problem of Evil
Man…trusted God was love indeed And love Creation’s final law – Tho’ Nature, red in tooth and claw With ravine, shrek’d against his creed” —Tennyson, In Memoriam Tennyson nailed it. We trust that God is…
That Weird Episode with the Pigs
Category: General
Tags: Demons, God's Character, Jesus, Non-Violence, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Creation Care, Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
In my opinion, the single strangest episode recounted in the Gospels is the account of Jesus’ encounter with a demonized man that ended with two thousand pigs drowning themselves in the Sea of Galilee (Mk…
Podcast: Is God Fixing the World?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Creation, Redemption
Topics: Creation Care
Greg fights back his curmudgeonly impulses to consider hope for planet earth.
What “Man Gave Names to All the Animals” REALLY Means?
Category: General, Guest Contributor
Tags: Animals, Creation
Topics: Creation Care
Article by Dan Kent “So the man named all the animals, the birds of the air, and the living creatures of the field.” Genesis 2:20 In the fog of our over-Googled, ‘Hey Siri,’ information-obsessed minds I…
“Natural” Evil? 7 Arguments Implicating Satan
Category: General
Tags: Creation, God at War, Natural Evil, Problem of Evil, Satan, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Creation Care, Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Image by Jmos® via Flickr We believe that God is the Creator of nature, but nature simply does not seem to point to a God of love. Parasites, viruses, bacteria, diseases and cancer kill millions and torment…
Christians and Creation Care
Category: General
Tags: Animals, Creation, Kingdom Living, Myth of a Christian Religion
Topics: Creation Care
Image by Ali Inay While the mustard seed of the Kingdom has been planted, it obviously hasn’t yet taken over the entire garden (Matt 13:31-42). We continue to live in an oppressed, corrupted world. We live…

What Went Wrong in the Garden of Eden?
Category: General
Tags: Garden of Eden, Idolatry, Judgment, Repenting of Religion, Sin, Temptation
Topics: Creation Care
When Adam and Eve ate from the tree, they imposed their will into the center of Paradise, and this was the act that destroyed Paradise. They invaded the proper domain of God. Instead of recognizing…

Please Don’t Look the Other Way
Category: General
Tags: Animals, Vegetarianism
Topics: Creation Care
I know it’s not pleasant information, But as kingdom people whose first mandate is to rule the animal kingdom the way God rules us – with loving care – we have a responsibility to not…
All Creatures Great and Small
Category: General
Tags: Animals, Blessing
Topics: Creation Care
Kurt Willems over at The Pangea Blog shared this video on a blessing ceremony for animals. It’s a reminder that our first commission from God was to care for the animals and the Earth. Be…
Contemplating Food Choices
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Vegetarianism
Topics: Creation Care
As many of you know, Shelley and I have been vegetarians for the last eight years or so. This is a personal conviction, not a doctrine, but there are compelling reasons for adopting this lifestyle. The…

The Scandal Over Global Warming
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Okay, I’m back. Between end of the year church stuff, my obsession with my book Jesus Versus Jehovah, some drama with friends and family, and trying to keep up with the incredible number of orders…
Eating Mercifully Documentary
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Animals
Topics: Creation Care
Greg plays a role in a newly released short documentary addressing faith and the proper treatment of animals. It’s only 26 minutes long, but it is eye-opening and will help people of faith examine the…
Compassionate Dominion and Factory Farms
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
“The question is not ‘Can they reason?’ nor, ‘Can they talk?’ but, ‘Can they suffer?’” -Jeremy Bentham “A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he…

The First Fruit of the Coming Non-Violent Creation
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
“A society’s moral progress is best judged by its treatment of animals.” – Gandhi More and more people are asking me the question, “Why are you a vegetarian?” So I’ve decided to write a couple…

Why I’m a Vegetarian
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love. Pythagoras (6th century BC) I used to be…

William Wilberforce and the Possibility of “Christian” Politics
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Kingdom Living, Politics
Topics: Creation Care, Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
William Wilberforce was a passionate Christian who entered politics for the sole purpose of ending the slave trade. For more than thirty years he passionately and courageous labored to get Parliament to outlaw the practice….

Argument From Cosmic Redemption
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Hello folks, I’m coming to my fifth argument defending my Satan-in-Nature (S.I.N) hypothesis — the view that “natural” evil can only adequately be explained by positing that evil cosmic forces have a corrupted nature. If…

The Argument from God’s Non-Violent Creational Ideal
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Hello blogging community. Thanks for tuning in. I’m getting a lot of feedback on my recent posts about “natural evil,” and I appreciate it. Some of it has been people offering criticisms of my view,…

The Argument From Animal Suffering
Category: General
Topics: Creation Care
Hello my smart friends out there in virtual reality land! It’s so good to be back home with family and friends. Not that I didn’t love being with all the philosophical, theological and scientific brainiacs…