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Is God to Blame Endorsements and Reviews


“In this stimulating work, Gregory Boyd shows how an incarnational theology focuses on God’s action in Jesus Christ as the source for our knowledge of God. In Jesus we see what God does for us, how God loves us, how God feels for us and how God rescues creatures and creation. This work restores an ancient view of Christianity that emphasizes the freedom we have to enter into a joyous relationship with God–a worldview of hope for all of humanity.”

–Robert Webber, Myers Professor of Ministry, Northern Seminary, Lombard, Illinois

“In this new book from the pen of pastor-theologian Greg Boyd, we discover an answer to one of life’s most difficult questions: If God is good, why do bad things happen? Boyd advances a radical notion: human history is a battle between God and Satan. We are part of this struggle, and what the future holds is (in part) up to us. Things are not all fixed from eternity. Agree or disagree, Boyd makes Christian faith exciting. I recommend this book to thoughtful Christians everywhere.”

–Alan G. Padgett, Professor of Systematic Theology, Luther Seminary

“Greg Boyd addresses what may be the single most asked question among skeptics and seekers. Many without Christ are still waiting for us to respond with an intelligent answer. Greg provides an apologetic that actually makes sense about an issue that really matters!”

–Erwin Raphael McManus, Lead Pastor, Mosaic, Los Angeles


“Boyd argues forcefully that, for Christians, the deepest revelation of God’s character has to be the cross of Christ, where God’s glory is revealed not as compelling power but as sacrificial love. . . . For Boyd, the mystery of suffering resides not in God’s inscrutable will or a possible ‘dark streak’ in God’s character, but in the complexity of a universe where freedom and risk are realities that even God must experience. Always compassionate, sometimes cantankerous, and capturing biblical concepts with memorable clarity, this challenging book should be a valued resource for pastors, counselors, support groups, and individual study.”

Publishers Weekly (starred review) August 25, 2003


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Across the Spectrum Endorsements

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Our own Dan Kent interviews Dan White Jr about his new book: “Love over Fear: Facing Monsters, Befriending Enemies, and Healing Our Polarized World“ Episode 511 http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0511.mp3

Will There Be A Launch Event for Crucifixion of the Warrior God?

In this episode Greg gives an update on book release plans for “Crucifixion of the Warrior God.” http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0038.mp3

Seeing is Believing Endorsements and Reviews

Endorsements “The imagination is one of the great, untapped capacities of the Christian soul, and imaginative prayer is like diving into the ocean and discovering a world of wonders never before glimpsed or even guessed at. Read Seeing is Believing and discover the great gift from God that you may have been missing.” –Luci Shaw,…
