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Seeing is Believing Endorsements and Reviews
“The imagination is one of the great, untapped capacities of the Christian soul, and imaginative prayer is like diving into the ocean and discovering a world of wonders never before glimpsed or even guessed at. Read Seeing is Believing and discover the great gift from God that you may have been missing.”
–Luci Shaw, author of Water My Soul
“Gregory Boyd has a way of cutting through all the jargon to get at essential truths. So many books on spirituality offer ‘pie in the sky’ solutions, but not Seeing Is Believing. I love the way Boyd explains and helps us to live out the true identity that we have in Jesus Christ.”
–Robert Webber, author of The Younger Evangelicals
“This is one of the most comprehensive books ever written on the subject. Tracing from the early church right up to present day writers, it is scholarly, biblical, and thoroughly Christ-centered. I believe it will not only clear away much misunderstanding, but inspire many to experience the healing freedom and deeper relationship with Jesus that comes through imaginative prayer.”
–David A. Seamands, author of Healing for Damaged Emotions
“Boyd, author of Letters from a Skeptic and God of the Possible, makes a powerfully persuasive argument for the use of imaginative prayer by Christians, then outlines a method for beginning the practice. He begins by describing the paralyzing effect of the “try harder’ solution” for spiritual growth. His description of this futile striving and its source in false ideas of identity rings true, although occasionally his emphasis on the negative role of action is overdone. The real treasure of the book is found in the second and third sections, where he mines 15 years’ experience of leading imaginative prayer conferences. He provides a vivid description of the power and effectiveness of the imagination in settings like prayer and worship. In addition to a careful biblical basis, Boyd gives a survey of historical figures (from Julian of Norwich to Saint Ignatius and John Wesley) who have used and advocated imaginative prayer. He explains the basic idea of the prayer technique he calls “resting in Christ” and courageously offers his own experience as an example of how this technique can bring healing. Aware that visualization techniques can be controversial among evangelicals, he explains possible sources of distrust and offers answers to the most common objections. The final section illustrates the power of imaginative prayer for healing with three moving stories from those who have used the technique.”
—Publisher’s Weekly
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