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Escaping the Matrix Endorsements


“Boyd and Larson brilliantly utilize the metaphors from the recent movie series The Matrix as a framework for the book. This a most enjoyable read.”
–Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.; pastor; author; cofounder, Institute of Neuro-Semantics

“This is a must read for Christians desiring to grow in their relationship with Christ and desiring to assist others in finding real life in Christ.”
–Stanley H. McCreary, Ph.D., professor of Christian counseling, Central Christian College of the Bible

“This work is well grounded in Scripture, current in the neuro-sciences, and practical for everyday living. It is a must read for every pastor, counselor, coach, teacher, and parent.”
–L. Michael Hall, Ph.D., author, The Matrix Model

“If the desire of your heart is to be all that God has created you to be, and to serve him with joy and gladness, then Escaping the Matrix is the book for you! Read it, apply it, and you will be free!”
–Mike Davis, assistant pastor, By His Spirit Fellowship, Chino, California



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