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Following Jesus as You
Rachel Held Evans posted an insightful blog today (it was actually a repost from 2011) engaging the problem of discouragement as we encounter various ideals of what it means to be a Christian versus the reality and limitations of our particular lives. I think we all struggle with this at one time or another. Rather than giving up, it’s good to struggle with the question of what it means to follow Jesus from the place you find yourself today. What are the commitments that Jesus is calling you to?
From the blog post:
Follow Jesus TODAY
—not in some future state of perfection, but in messy, boring, unglamorous today. This is the only moment I am promised, and it’s the best moment to seek after God. Something tells me He can be found here.
Image by Nicholas Blumhardt. Used in accordance with Creative Commons. Sourced via Flickr.
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Kingdom Living
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