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Lighten Up: The Wisdom of Forgiveness

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Two Preschoolers Debate Ontology

ianus via Compfight I’m convinced every child is full of theological wisdom that the fallen world tries to suffocate by the time they’re ten. As an illustration of this truth, I thought you might enjoy a discussion that my daughter Alisha overheard in children’s church this last week between Sage (Alisha’s five-year-old daughter and my…

Lighten Up: The Devil Messin’ With Ya

From Boston, With Love

We posted some of T. C. Moore’s reflections on the Open 2013 conference earlier this week. T. C. lives in Boston and was deeply moved by the violence and terror that came to his city. Now we want to share his most recent blog post Oz and the Cross: Reflections on God’s Love and the…

Lighten Up: Oldie But Goodie

We thought we would bring this video back for today’s Lighten Up feature because it’s just too good to let it languish in the archives. Oh, and if you’re wondering what Greg was going to say about the Patriot’s Bible, you can find that here.