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Lighten Up: Arming Jesus

Screen Shot 2014-07-25 at 10.20.03 AMThis is an actual product that you can buy. But don’t. Please don’t.

Related Reading

Lighten Up: Shoot Christians Say

Lighten Up: Worst Evangelism Idea EVER

This is profoundly confusing. Has this ever inspired anyone to become a Jesus-follower? We’re thinking no. Especially if it was left in place of a tip at a restaurant.

The Key to Understanding Revelation

The most important key to interpreting John’s violent imagery is found in the heavenly throne room scene in chapters 4-5. (For the first entry in this series on the violence in Revelation, click here.) This throne room represents heaven’s perspective on events that are occurring on earth, which is contrasted throughout Revelation with the false…

Why NO Violence in Jesus’ Name is Justified

Image by papapico via Flickr On Friday, Greg posted a response to Obama’s speech about religiously-inspired violence.  Here are some further thoughts on why violence in the name of Jesus—no matter whether we call it just, redemptive, or defending ourselves—is just another form of kingdom-of-this-world living. The love we are called to trust and emulate is supremely…

Should churches have armed security guards?

Question: Recently (December, 2007) a security guard at New Life Church in Colorado Springs shot and apparently killed a man who was shooting people in the church parking lot. The pastor (Brady Boyd) hailed her as a “real hero.” Do you think churches should have armed security guards and do you think the pastor was…

Love and Violence

What does it mean to confess that “God is love” and that we are called to “live in love” (Eph. 5:2)? One of the more common ways of understanding God’s love has its roots in the teachings of Augustine. He adamantly affirmed that the revelation that “God is love” lies at heart of the Gospel…