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Lighten Up: Arming Jesus

Screen Shot 2014-07-25 at 10.20.03 AMThis is an actual product that you can buy. But don’t. Please don’t.

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“I will do to you what I have never done before… in your midst parents will eat their children, and children will eat their parents…” Ezek. 5:9-10 In my previous post I offered a brief review of Matthew Bates’ fascinating work, The Hermeneutics of the Apostolic Proclamation by Matthew Bates (Baylor University Press, 2012). Among other…

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Lighten Up: Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh

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Lighten Up: Your Church Should Welcome This Friend

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Is Non-Violence a Key to Christian Discipleship?

For the first three centuries of the church, Christians understood that forgoing the use of violence and expressing God’s self-sacrificial love was central to discipleship. However, this mindset changed after the Church acquired power in the fourth century. Entire theological systems have been developed to support the use of coercive power. However, contrary to that…