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Views of an Indigenous Theologian

It’s so important to approach evangelism with humility when building relationships with indigenous populations. This interview with Dr. Randy Woodley is an eye-opening and important voice for anyone with a heart for missions.

From the interview:

You can still do a lot of good, don’t give up so soon. The best is yet to come (even if it comes with lots of pain, I know…). Simple things also mean a lot. Rides to the dialysis clinic. Being a safe house for kids on the reservation. Closing down nearby liquor stores. Checking diabetic’s sugar and blood pressure. Cutting wood for elders. Eating at the Sr. Center. Listening over coffee. Running an AA or spouse abuse program. Providing teen mom’s parent training. And, all these and more can be done by empowering Native folks to do them as you make a slow exit.

Image by Girl Guides of Canada. Used in accordance with Creative Commons. Sourced via Flickr.

Related Reading

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Greg talks about the role of the missionary. Episode 533 http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0533.mp3

Roger Olson on Evangelicalism

fusion-of-horizons via Compfight Here’s a great interview with Roger Olson on the state of evangelicalism today. Enjoy!

Podcast: Overflow Episode 6 — Urban Ministry, Peacemaking, Non-Violent Parenting

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