Chronicles of Narnia
Lighten Up: Osheta the Narniac
Category: Lighten Up
Tags: C.S. Lewis, Chronicles of Narnia, Mennonerds, Osheta Moore
You may not be aware of this, but Greg is a MennoNerd. What is a MennoNerd, you ask? According to their website, “MennoNerds is a network of Anabaptist bloggers, tweeps, Facebookers, and Google plussians (just made…

Atonement, Christus Victor, & Aslan Pt 2: Who Demands a Kill?
Category: General
Tags: Atonement, C.S. Lewis, Christus Victor, Chronicles of Narnia, Penal Substitution View of Atonement
Topics: Atonement and The Cross
For part 1 of 2, click here. It’s important to notice that it was the wicked Queen, not Aslan, who demands that Edmund be killed in accordance with the Deep Magic of justice. Christian’s have…

Atonement, Christus Victor & Aslan
Category: General
Tags: Atonement, Christus Victor, Chronicles of Narnia
Topics: Atonement and The Cross
No one illustrates this Christus Victor view of Christ’s work on the cross more beautifully than C.S. Lewis in his famous fantasy, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. The gist of the story is…

The Lion, the Witch and the War
Category: General
Tags: C.S. Lewis, Chronicles of Narnia, Peace, Peacemaking, Red Letter Christians, War
sandy Poore via Compfight Red Letter Christians featured some of Greg’s thoughts in their recent article entitled The Lion, the Witch and the War. The author of the article talks about the C.S. Lewis story and…

Aslan Roars: The Atonement as Spiritual Warfare
Category: General
Tags: Atonement, C.S. Lewis, Christus Victor, Chronicles of Narnia, Jesus, Warfare Worldview
Greg begins to unpack the Christus Victor view of the atonement by comparing it to the Chronicles of Narnia.