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Ignorance is Not Bliss

We’ve been talking a lot here lately about reason and truth and science and how that intersects with faith. It’s been ruffling a few feathers to say the least. It’s sometimes hard to stay engaged. It’s easier to just check out. But this is precisely what we must not do.

Here’s a blog post from She Loves Magazine written by Kathy Escobar about staying awake when it’s tempting to go back to sleep. Let’s all stay awake.

From the blog post:

I used to always say “ignorance is bliss.” I don’t believe it’s true, but I do sometimes wish my eyes hadn’t ever been opened to the truth and reality of messy, raw, vulnerable living. Even though I know it’s not true, life felt so much easier when I was in denial. I could live in my own little world, unaware of my own pain or others’ around me. Honestly, I was getting by pretty good in the Christian world when I was faking it best. It’s ironic that the place that’s supposed to be the most honest and real—the church—is often the best place to hide, to stay asleep.

Image by Pedro Ribeiro Simões. Used in accordance with Creative Commons. Sourced via Flickr.

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