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The Missing Jesus

Jonathan Martin wrote this compelling blog on the missing Jesus last month. It’s a thoughtful reflection on how easy it is to put Jesus in a box that conforms to our political, religious or social agenda. But the real Jesus is not an idea; he’s a person. And he’s a person who is constantly breaking out of boxes and disrupting our notions of God.

From the blog post:

Today I’d like to file a missing person’s report for Jesus of Nazareth.  Has anybody seen Him lately?

Not a sentimental Jesus–not a liberal Jesus who serves as little more than a symbol of bland tolerance or a conservative Jesus who serves as little more than a mascot for culture wars.  But the surprising, bewildering, befuddling Jesus of the gospels who alternately captures and breaks my heart–the Jesus who is never easily fit into the rigid alternatives offered to us by the world.  Have you seen Him?

 Image by Vinoth Chandar. Used in accordance with Creative Commons. Sourced via Flickr

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