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The Right to Remain Silent
A reader (Thanks Adam) sent us this reflection written by Jason Hess on how we as Christians sometimes use the freedom of speech in ways that are in opposition with our call to love. How we live is infinitely more important than what we say, and sometimes our free speech is a detriment to bringing the Kingdom of God closer to earth. Sometimes silence is golden.
From the article:
Growing up I’ve always heard don’t talk politics or religion. The older I get the truer that statement is. People don’t want to talk about religion because they don’t care…until they know how much you truly care for them. People don’t talk politics because it’s near impossible to have a civil discussion. You either agree with them or you’re an idiot and you’re the reason why so and so was elected. Sadly this isn’t limited to non-Christians but Christians as well.
Image by Derrick Tyson. Used in accordance with Creative Commons. Sourced via Flickr.
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Politics, Social Issues
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