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So, What Do You Do?

Don’t ever let this question define you.

Image by Victor Bezrukov. Sourced via Flickr.


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From the Sermon Archives: Stick & String

Since Greg didn’t preach this last Sunday, we thought we would feature something special from the Woodland Hills archives. God’s will for us is first and foremost about who we are and not what we do. God’s original design was to express his beauty to this world through us, but that requires us to receive who…

Our True Eternal Home

In becoming our sin and bearing the death-consequences of sin, Christ has opened the way for us to participate in the fellowship of the triune God. Because of the cross, we are now free to abide in Christ and to have Christ abide in us (John 15:4-10). The word “abide”(menno) means “to take up residence.”…

9 Things That Are True of Us When We’re Saved

Image by rAmmoRRison via Flickr The New Testament has many amazing things to say about who we are as believers because of what Christ has done for us. When the Lord saves us, he doesn’t just rescue us from eternal death; he gives us a completely new identity. Consider what happens to us when the Father…

Sermon: We The Church

The Anabaptists saw that the building is not the Church. God wants to dwell on this Earth, but it is not in a building. It is in his people. In this brief clip, Greg traces the origins to see how “church” became associated with buildings. Let’s recover our identity as the place where God dwells!…

The Trap of Religious Idolatry

We live in a world that seems to be full of religious idols. These are beliefs, rituals, and behaviors from which religious people draw life. Religious idolaters of course don’t recognize their idols as such. However, we can try to get “life” from believing the “right” things and acting the “right” way in the same…

Nothing but Christ Crucified

One of the most remarkable expressions of the all-encompassing nature of the cross is reflected in an incidental, but extremely important, comment that Paul made in his First Letter to the Corinthians. He noted that when he brought “the testimony of God” to Corinth, he hadn’t come “with eloquence or human wisdom”. He instead “resolved…