Seeing is Believing
How Do You “See” God? God’s Self-Portrait, Part 1
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, God, Picture of God, ReKnew Manifesto, Seeing is Believing
Topics: Apologetics, Christology
When ReKnew first launched a year and a half ago, I planned on initially using the blog primarily to flesh out the theology and significance of the ReKnew Manifesto. As happens all-too-frequently in my ADHD…
Why Do Christians Keep Struggling With Sin?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Flesh, Identity in Christ, Seeing is Believing
Topics: Sin
If we truly are righteous in Christ Jesus (see Earlier Post about our identity in Christ), why do we need to be reminded to live righteous lives? If we are new creations and have a…
How to Produce the Fruit of the Spirit
Category: General
Tags: Fruit of the Spirit, Imaginative Prayer, Jesus, Peace, Prayer, Seeing is Believing, The Holy Spirit, Transformation
When the New Testament tells us to be loving, joyful, peaceful, kind and so on, it is not giving us a new set of behaviors that we are to strive to accomplish. Striving to attain…
How the Holy Spirit Changes Us
Category: General
Tags: Imagination, Imaginative Prayer, Seeing is Believing, The Holy Spirit
The Bible is full of stories of people who experienced the presence of God. If we are to experience something similar today, we must, through the Spirit, cultivate the spiritual capacity of an inner life…
Performance Christianity—Getting Over It
Category: General
Tags: Experiencing Jesus, Identity in Christ, Imaginative Prayer, Picture of God, Seeing is Believing
Image by Martijn Braat via Flickr Many Christians feel empty, tired, and apathetic, if not positively angry, though few express this out loud because it’s usually taboo to do so within Christian circles. These believers often fault…
Who You Are Reflects the Kind of God You Worship
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: God, Love, Picture of God, Seeing is Believing, The Image of God
We always reflect the mental picture of God that we envision, for better or worse. If you have a fear-based picture of God, it will even affect the structure of your brain. You become the kind…

What is “The Flesh” or “The Sinful Nature”?
Category: General
Tags: Flesh, Identity in Christ, Seeing is Believing, Sinful Nature
What is “the flesh”? The New International Version of the Bible translates Paul’s words for flesh (sarx) as “sinful nature” (Gal. 5:16). [This is the NIV 1984 version of the Bible which sold more copies…

Why the “Try Harder” Solution Fails
Category: General
Tags: Fruit of the Spirit, Seeing is Believing, Transformation
Mike via Compfight So much social media interaction is shaped by conversations about what people should or should not do or how people should or should not think. This seems to be even worse within…