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Christmas Greeting from Greg

Blessings and God’s peace to all of you from all of us at ReKnew.

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Finger-Pointing and the Impulse to Judge

To no one’s surprise, yet to the sadness of many of us, several Christian spokespeople, including James Dobson, Mike Huckabee and Bryan Fischer, are blaming the shootings in Newtown, Conn, on abortion and gay marriage. This is sadly reminiscent of Jerry Falwell’s hurtful response to 9/11 when he divined that “the pagans,” “abortionists,” “feminists,” “gays,” “lesbians,”…

What About Violence in the Parables? (podcast)

Greg examines the harsher parables.  Episode 524 http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0524.mp3

Was Jesus Fully God and Fully Human?

In the previous post I argued for the logical possibility of the Incarnation, so today I’d like to establish its biblical foundation. This will be review for some readers, but it’s important review because this doctrine is the absolute bedrock of the Christian faith. For example, this doctrine alone is what allows us to claim…

Sermon: Kingdom Nice

Did Jesus’ disciples break up?!? In this short clip, Greg Boyd talks about conflict between the disciples and how they handled it in a Christ-like way. The little things we do in the Kingdom make a big difference. In the full sermon, Greg shows that the incarnation and cross are spiritual and physical realities for…

Lighten Up: Misunderstood

via Laughing Redhead Studio

The Key to Understanding the Bible

In yesterday’s post we discussed how Jesus is the starting point for interpreting Scripture. If this is the case and Jesus is the subject matter of all Scripture, then the ultimate challenge is to disclose how each aspect of Scripture bears witness to his subject. To state it otherwise, if the intended function of all Scripture is to mediate…