The ReKnew Newsletter
Category: General
Tags: Current Events, Good News, Newsletter, ReKnew
Did you know that ReKnew publishes a monthly newsletter? We post an exclusive video message from Greg each month as well as top posts, featured video content, book reviews, resurrected content, upcoming events, and testimonies. Just sign…
Don’t Miss Out!
Category: General
Tags: Greg Boyd, Newsletter, Q&A
See that little sign-up button for our newsletter at the bottom of this page? If you don’t already get the newsletter, you’re going to want to now. You get all kinds of special goodies like…

Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Newsletter
Last month we launched our first e-newsletter for ReKnew and decided to give away ten copies of Greg’s book Benefit of the Doubt to celebrate. Here are the winners: Jerry from Round Lake, Illinois Josh…

Some News and a Giveaway!
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Current Events, Newsletter, ReKnew
We’ve got some exciting news for you. Starting next month, ReKnew will be sending out a monthly e-newsletter to those who are interested in getting a little something extra from our ministry. We’ll be including a…
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