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N.T. Wright: Truth Happens

N.T. Wright talks about the relationship between truth and beauty. Lovely.

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Related Reading

Lies, Truth, and the Holy Spirit

The root of the flesh is a lie about who God is and who we are. Satan brings us into bondage of the flesh by convincing us that God is not the loving God he says that he is. In doing this, Satan convinces us that we cannot find fullness of life by being wholly…


“When we learn to read the story of Jesus and see it as the story of the love of God, doing for us what we could not do for ourselves–that insight produces, again and again, a sense of astonished gratitude which is very near the heart of authentic Christian experience.” N.T. Wright Image by Joshua Earle

How To Seek Theological Truth

If we are really interested in embracing true beliefs, then the last thing we would ever do is to try and convince ourselves that we already embrace true beliefs. A genuine concern for the truth is simply incompatible with a concern to feel certain that one already believes the truth. If a person is really…

The Rorschach Test

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Look at Jesus

http://youtu.be/AO2VBoyruIM Here’s a lovely reflection by N.T. Wright for your Sunday. When in doubt, look at Jesus. You can’t go wrong.

Are We Supposed to Balance Love and Truth?

Often people say, “Yes we must love. But we must balance love with truth.” “Love has its place, but we must not forget God’s wrath.” “Love must never take the place of correct biblical doctrine.” Two points need to be made. First, if we take seriously the biblical teaching that the love command is the…