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Drum Roll Please: Greg’s Final Critique of Bart Ehrman’s Article

Drum Roll Please: Greg’s Final Critique of Bart Ehrman’s Article

This is the ninth and final of several videos Greg put together to refute Bart Ehrman’s claims published in the article What Do We Really Know About Jesus? Thanks for hanging in there for this last one. I know it was a long wait, but the holidays got inordinately busy for Greg. In this segment, Greg talks about the star of Bethlehem. Even though Christmas has past, this is good material to have on hand for those who would challenge the legitimacy of the birth narratives. If you missed the first eight installments you can find them hereherehereherehereherehere and here.

Related Reading

What Makes the Good News So Good

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Thank you!

I’d like to again welcome all of you to the new ReKnew website. In the weeks to come, I’ll unpack the theological vision of ReKnew. But I want to use today’s blog to express my profound appreciation to the people who have come around me to bring this exciting new ministry into being.


“You” Means “Y’all”

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