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henry and sister

Henry’s Mom: Did God Author This?

Many of you were touched last month when we featured some reflections on little Henry’s death. Well, Henry’s mother Jess has started a blog to process through some of her thoughts and we wanted to share this amazing piece with all of you. Jess thinks ahead to the time when her two-year-old daughter will start to ask questions about Henry and perhaps why God didn’t save him. Jess is a gifted writer and isn’t afraid to confront the hard questions. You won’t want to miss this.

From her blog:

That perfect love, I can assure her, did not author the evil that ravaged her brother. That perfect love never left our side while we walked the painful path to Henry’s death.  That perfect love never leaves us now.  It surrounds, envelops, and fills us to overflowing.  And that love wins in the end.

One day, God will wipe every tear from our eyes, and all evil will be wiped away.  We’ll be reunited with Henry!  And we’ll hold his hand while we praise for eternity the God who isgood, and whose character is not mysterious, but was perfectly portrayed on the cross of Calvary.


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