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It's So Cold Outside...

Toni Blay via Compfight

Rachel Held Evans posted this astounding reflection on her blog this week. Normally, we post a short excerpt of the blogs we link to, but this one MUST be read in it’s entirety. It reminds us of what is both ugly and beautiful in the church and ourselves and calls us back to the good news of Jesus. Please visit Rachel on her blog and read this prophetic piece. We need voices like hers.

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Should churches have armed security guards?

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Jesus & Racial Reconciliation

Lorenia via Compfight If you were to read an account today of a white man offering his front row seat on a public bus to an elderly African American lady, you’d probably think this was a nice gesture, but nothing more. However, if you learned that the event happened in Birmingham Alabama in 1955, you’d…

A Blessing for Ash Wednesday

 Sarah (Rosenau) Korf via Compfight For those of you observing the Lenten season (and for those of you who are not), we thought we would share this poem by Jan Richardson. Rend Your Heart A Blessing for Ash Wednesday To receive this blessing, all you have to do is let your heart break. Let it…

The Problem with Mixing Church & Government

Image by fusion-of-horizons via Flickr Some people insist that the only reason that neither Jesus nor anyone else in the first several centuries of the church tried to dominate the political system of their day was because they were a small minority of people living in a nondemocratic and hostile environment. By contrast, the argument goes,…

Greg Shares His Journey and Some Challenges Ahead

http://youtu.be/YdZKPG20kmQ Last September, Greg was asked to give the opening address at the Missio Alliance event Church & Post-Christian Culture: Christian Witness in the Way of Jesus. You can find more information here. Special thanks to our very own Stephen Konsor for his role in filming and editing this and other sessions. Enjoy!

Christmas Greeting from Greg

Blessings and God’s peace to all of you from all of us at ReKnew.