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Lighten Up: Meet Rollins
Greg introduces his grandson Rollins and talks about the God of little things.
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Greg Boyd, Kindness, Kingdom Living, Lighten Up
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The One True Source
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Lighten Up: Who Sees the Real You?
It’s a good question. Many times, as Christians, we can get stuck hiding who we really are because we think we’re not good enough or some other such nonsense. But the real you is the one Jesus loves. Honest.
The ReKnew Cross Vision Conference is Coming!
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homosexuality, truth telling, and love
A Guy Taking Pictures via Compfight A couple weeks ago, we posted a portion of Greg’s sermon (and his comments) on the marriage amendment in Minnesota, homosexuality and finding a “Third Way”. Today we’re continuing the conversation by linking to a blog post by Sarah Bessey called In which I tell you the truth about…
Podcast: If the Cross is the FULL Revelation of God, Why Do We Even Need All the Rest?
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