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The Gift of Smallness

what a year it's been!

ram reddy via Compfight

Jonathan Martin wrote this piece entitled Feeling at home in my smallness a couple of weeks ago. If you’ve been feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and it’s up to you to do something amazing or if you’ve been taking yourself a little too seriously, you might want to check this out. There is a gift in smallness. There is a peacefulness in knowing that we are outrageously loved despite anything we might do or say or accomplish.

From Jonathan’s reflection:

You can have your meaning, your purpose, your significance.  I will not feel condescended to if you look at me like I am a useless son, or if you think me half-drunk on my Father’s silly affections.  I am perfectly aware that I did not purchase this coat of many colors, and have no reasons to wear it proud as a peacock.  But I will wear the hell out of it, over-sized luxury on such a small person.

I have no pretensions of greatness. I am a circus act; I am a walking comedy.  I am infinitely ridiculous; I am infinitely loved.

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