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The light / La luz

. SantiMB . via Compfight

Jamie Wright wrote this penetrating essay of encountering a woman in a moment of extremity and need. It’s a reminder of our great need for a sanctuary, a safe place to come when the world has gone mad and we have nowhere else to go.

From her essay:

Because, in that moment, I remembered so vividly being the girl with her face pressed against the glass, broken and hurting, crushed by the weight of a world I couldn’t seem to navigate. It was desperation that sent me out in search of a place of Rest and Peace and Nourishment. I was hopeless and shameful. I was starving for Love. I was lost and wandering.
The first time I walked into a church, I wasn’t looking for salvation.  
                 I was looking for Sanctuary. 
                               And she met me at the door.

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