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Becoming Unbusy

Empire State Pigeon

 ZeroOne via Compfight

Joshua Becker posted A Helpful Guide to Becoming Unbusy that we thought was wonderful. If you’re finding yourself mindlessly going from one task to the next with no time to take a breath, you might want to check this out.

From Joshua’s post:

But is the state of busy really improving our lives? Certainly not. Statistics indicate 75% of parents are too busy to read to their children at night. There is a rising number of children being placed in day cares and after-school activities. Americans are having a hard time finding opportunity for vacations these days. 33% of Americans are living with extreme stress daily. And nearly 50% of Americans say they regularly lie awake at night because of stress. This is a problem. We have become too busy.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Busy is not inevitable. Each of us can take intentional steps to unbusy our lives.

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