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Greg and Bruxy Pulpit Swap

Greg Boyd and Bruxy Cavey swapped pulpits last weekend. Here are a couple of clips to give you an idea of what each of them offered. You can access the full sermons here and here.

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The Cleansing of the Temple and Non-Violence

Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple is the most commonly cited example of those who allege that he did not absolutize loving enemies or refraining from violence. I submit that this episode implies nothing of the sort. First, it is important that we understand that this episode was not an expression of unpremeditated anger on Jesus’…

ReThinking the Source of Life

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God’s Love and Your Freedom

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Sermon Clip: God Doesn’t Speak Gibberish

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Was Jesus Abandoned by the Father on the Cross?

As Jesus hung on the cross, he cried, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (Mt 27:46). This is the cry of our God who stooped to the furthest possible depths to experience his own antithesis, as the all-holy God becomes the sin of the world (2 Cor 5:21) and the perfectly united God becomes the curse of…