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We Need The Church
Vicki & Chuck Rogers via Compfight
Last week we shared a thought-provoking article by Rachel Held Evans on the reasons millennials are leaving the church. This week we want to share a follow-up to that article that appeared on CNN’s Belief blog. Rachel lists the reasons why millennials actually need the church. Her thoughts actually apply to us all. Even in the midst of a deeply flawed collection of people and traditions, there is something basic and necessary about gathering with others to pray and wrestle with our faith. Here is a peek at Rachel’s thoughts on this:
Those who follow Jesus long for the day when their communion with him becomes complete, and Jesus promises this will happen through the church. The apostle Paul compared this union to a marriage. Jesus describes it as a banquet. No matter what the latest stats or studies say, Christians believe the future of the church is secure and not even “the gates of hell” will prevail against it. As much as I may struggle to fit in sometimes, as much as I doubt, question and fight for reforms, I am a part of this church, through good times and bad, for better or worse.
Category: General
Tags: Church, Faithfulness, Rachel Held Evans
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