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A Word About Sharing the Gospel From an Atheist

Jen J over at A Deeper Family wrote a little piece about how she felt convicted after this video was played during a sermon at her church. She makes some good points.

Penn Jillette is a famous atheist, and I’m sure he encounters a lot of Christians trying to persuade him to come to God. It’s kind of tragic that this particular man was so noteworthy that Mr. Jillette made a video about it. According to him this man was “kind and nice and sane” and you get the impression from the way he talks about him that he was an exception somehow. Jillette says that he “knows” God doesn’t exist and “one polite person living his life right doesn’t change that” but you have to wonder: what if it were a whole lot of people doing that? That might be slightly more compelling. We thank God for this “really good guy”. Wouldn’t it be great if Christians were known for their kindness and simple passion for sharing good news? We think so.

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