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Jessica Kelley: Triumph by Testimony

Jessica Kelley is a good friend of ReKnew, and she preached this last weekend at Woodland Hills Church. Normally we only post clips of sermons, but we wanted to post the full sermon on this occasion. We feel like Jessica’s testimony about how her picture of God helped her through the death of her son Henry is so powerful, and God is doing something unique with this woman. Take some time and watch it when you get a chance. It will change your life.

Also, here’s a clip from Greg’s sermon two weeks ago. Omnipresence is a concept some are familiar with, but in the sermon clip, Greg Boyd discusses its meaning when trying to have a constant, on-going prayer life. Jesus calls us to abide in him, and we will bear much fruit. Jesus wants us to be always present with him just as God is omnipresent. However, this requires us to allow God into our lives. In the full sermon, Greg shows us how to be fully present with Jesus in every moment.

Full sermon here.

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