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Listening with Humility and Love

Listen to your kids

Bindaas Madhavi via Compfight

Robert Martin over at Abnormal Anabaptist published an article today concerning the recent post by the Gospel Coalition. The Gospel Coalition seems to be humbly acknowledging that maybe they have something to learn from Anabaptists. Martin notes that many Anabaptists have responded with something along the lines of “Yay! It’s about time they saw the light.” It’s so easy to fall into pride, isn’t it? So many of the conversations happening in the faith world are characterized by aggression, assumptions, and posturing rather than openness and curiosity. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people from different faith traditions began to really listen to one another and have true and humble conversations about things that really matter? Let it be, Lord.

From Martin’s blog post:

This, I believe, is what it means to sit at the feet of Jesus.  If we are too set in our Anabaptism, we are no longer in the position of learning from Jesus.  We have declared “I have learned all there is to learn” and we close our hearts to the possibility that Jesus may have something to teach us from these other siblings in Christ.  If, however, we approach our New Calvinist brethren with the same humility they have afforded us, we might find ourselves, along with them, sitting at Jesus feet, learning together as we commune with each other in true, loving, theological conversation.

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