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Sermon Clip: Mark Moore Israel Week 2

In this sermon clip, Mark Moore talks about how God interrupts Abrahams life by asking him to have huge faith.  In week two of The Forest In The Trees, Woodland Hills takes a look at the early history of the Hebrew people and the formation of the nation of Israel. Throughout these stories, we see a constant message of keeping faith in God despite their circumstances in this world.


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2 Ways We Misinterpret God’s Promises

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Everybody’s Got A Hungry Heart [Sermon, 7/1/12]

Check out Greg’s latest sermon!

Description from WHC website:

Paul wrote the Colossians to confront a false religion of invoking angels. These invocations were being done because people thought Jesus wasn’t enough. This same type of thought pervades our own society, where people with hungry hearts are searching for more than what Jesus offers. In this sermon, Greg talks about the fullness that Jesus brings.


A Rational Defense of Belief in God

The New York Times recently posted a review of Alvin Plantinga’s book, Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism. In it, Plantinga argues on philosophical grounds that, among other things, theism is not in conflict with science, that a belief in naturalism along with evolution is contradictory, and that “Faith…is another basic way of forming beliefs, distinct…

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