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In Search of Healing During Advent

The First Sunday of Advent

Tyler Tully was a guest-poster on The Femonite today. He generally blogs at The Jesus Event and is a contributor to the Mennonerds network. His guest post deals with the flashbacks of a childhood filled with abuse that are triggered when he hears the cries of his five month old babies. The season of Advent is a season of waiting and darkness in the church calendar, and although it brings with it the coming of Christ, it is a season that welcomes our sorrow and pain. It calls us to keep each other company in the darkness as we wait. If you’re a person who struggles as Christmas approaches, we hope this post will call you to be present to the God who grieves with us and heals our wounds.

From Tyler’s piece:

Still, there is an expected healing of hope in the Seasonal air. The Incarnation reminds me, that although I enter into counseling one month before Christmas Eve, I do not bear this burden alone. Together we journey with Jesus in a place of vulnerability towards community. As a family, we either heal together or we enable the stinging pain of abuse to linger. But even when healing occurs, sometimes scars remain. And although I know that the scars I bear come part and parcel with being human, I worship the Incarnate God who resurrected triumphantly with scars of His own.

Image by  Susanne Nilsson via Compfight

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