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Lighten Up: The Down Side of Free Will
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Free Will, Humor, Lighten Up, Open Theism
Related Reading
Support for Open Theism from Science and Experience
I have discussed the scriptural support that depicts the future as partially open and that God knows it as such. I do this in God of the Possible. If a position is true, every avenue of reflection ought to point in its direction, including science. What follows are two more “pointers” to the view that the…
What is omni-resourcefulness?
Question: What do you mean when you refer to God’s omni-resourcefulness? Can you support this with Scripture? Answer: I and others use the term omni-resourcefulness to highlight a feature of God in Scripture that the classical theological tradition consistently overlooks. Part of the greatness of the God of the Bible, we argue, is that he…
How can you put your trust in a God who’s not in control of everything?
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Lighten Up: Love Your Enemies
Image from Manna and Mercy by Daniel Erlander