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Lighten Up: MEology

charles-barsotti-once-you-get-past-the-divine-right-of-kings-i-m-not-much-into-theology-new-yorker-cartoonIt might be a red flag if you’re only interested in theology that serves your interests.

Related Reading

Hellbound? in the Washington Post

Kevin Miller, the writer/director of “Hellbound?” was featured in the Washington Post in an article titled “Hell is a reality distortion field.” He challenges us to consider that what we believe about hell or anything else is partially conditioned by many things other than just the Bible. This reality distortion field prevents us from considering…

Lighten Up: Add Friends

Cartoon by Dave Walker via weblogcartoons.com

How should evangelicals “do” theology?

A central debate among evangelical theologians concerns the question of theological method. In other words, how should we “do” theology? All evangelical Christians believe the Bible is God’s inspired revelation. Thus, evangelicals agree that Scripture must form the foundation for theological thought. But Scripture is not the only factor to consider when doing theology. Many…

Lighten Up: Dance!

Let’s do this.

Lighten Up: Drummer

The fun starts in this video after the first minute or so. Greg could learn a thing or two about drumming and passion from this guy. Happy Friday!

Lighten Up: Other People’s Sins

Cartoon via Adventures of the Holy Ghost Thanks for the heads up @andrewhaak!