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Lighten Up: MEology

charles-barsotti-once-you-get-past-the-divine-right-of-kings-i-m-not-much-into-theology-new-yorker-cartoonIt might be a red flag if you’re only interested in theology that serves your interests.

Related Reading

Lighten Up: Fate

Theology and Imagination

The human brain is by far the most amazing, complex, and mysterious aspect of the physical world. Our brains continually interpret our world, and the way we interpret it is mostly determined by the way aspects of our world trigger our imagination. Our imagination encodes messages and creates feelings, and thus motivates behavior. And most…

Lighten Up: Add Friends

Cartoon by Dave Walker via weblogcartoons.com

Lighten Up: Eat, Pray, Love

Lighten Up: Square Peg, Round Hole Theology

This comic was featured in The Bohemian Bowmans. If you don’t follow them, you probably should check them out. They’re great.  

Lighten Up: Loving Your Political Enemies

Image from Radio Free Babylon.