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Making God in Our Own Image

In this video, Greg introduces the idea of how we make God into our own image instead of allowing God to define himself through the revelation of Jesus. In an interview performed by Travis Reed from theworkofthepeople.com, we have a basic, quick introduction to a core element of Greg’s theology. This is a great piece to share with others. If you like this video, you can view more like them by clicking here. They have a free 30-day trial and there are some great videos to view. 

Related Reading

Sermon: The Twist

In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd discusses how when you read a book with a twist ending, the ending reframes the entire story. The Bible is no different. In this sermon, Greg shows how Jesus’ message reframes how we are to understand the Bible, and he shows us why the Anabaptists shared this belief. You…

Lighten Up: Jesus Makes Things Hard

Maybe Mark Driscoll is on to something. I guess Jesus really does want to make someone bleed. ;)

Look at Jesus

http://youtu.be/AO2VBoyruIM Here’s a lovely reflection by N.T. Wright for your Sunday. When in doubt, look at Jesus. You can’t go wrong.

First of Three-Part Interview With Greg

David D. Flowers is doing a three part interview with Greg over on his blog. He posted the first of those interviews today. Pop over and check it out!

Violence: What Did Jesus Do?

Thomas Quine via Compfight Here’s a spot-on reflection on what Jesus taught us about responding to violence. Whatever you think about the justification of violence in particular situations, as Christians we simply cannot escape the fact that Jesus demonstrated another way. From the reflection: And though he had access to unlimited power to have himself released…

Who’s the God in Your Head?

The mission of ReKnew is to encourage Christians and non-Christians to rethink through things they previously thought they knew. The nine proclamations of the ReKnew Manifesto reflect nine aspects of traditional Christianity, and especially Evangelical Christianity, that we believe need to be reconceived. These by no means exhaust the things ReKnew will be concerned with,…