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Life to the Full

What does it mean to live life to the full? Greg addresses this question in this short video by The Work of the People.


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Sermon Clip: God In The Gallows

Greg has recently returned from a three week trip in Europe, and today he shares stories of how the Kingdom message of a Jesus-looking God, radical love and non-violence is truly spreading all over the world. You can view the full sermon here: http://whchurch.org/sermons-media/sermon/god-in-the-gallows

Part two of a three-part interview with Greg

David D. Flowers is doing a three part interview with Greg over on his blog. He posted the first of those interviews last week. The second interview was posted today. Check it out!

The Right to Remain Silent

A reader (Thanks Adam) sent us this reflection written by Jason Hess on how we as Christians sometimes use the freedom of speech in ways that are in opposition with our call to love. How we live is infinitely more important than what we say, and sometimes our free speech is a detriment to bringing…

Christmas Greeting from Greg

Blessings and God’s peace to all of you from all of us at ReKnew.

Sermon Clip: Twisted Scripture-Hebrews 9

Why must there be the shedding of blood for the forgiveness of sins? Our Twisted Scripture series continues this week as Greg explores Hebrews 9:18-22. This scripture passage is commonly used to support the penal substitutionary atonement theory in which our guilt was transferred to Christ and He was punished on the cross on our…

Q&A: Already-Not-Yet

Question: My question is regarding our “entanglement” with Christ that you spoke about a few weeks ago. In the sermon you noted how we are joined with Christ like those two particles that can be separated by light years of distance and yet both will react equally to a force acting on the other one. So here is my question: If…