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Lighten Up: Unexpected Generosity

Lighten Up: Unexpected Generosity

When have you experienced unexpected generosity? And another good question is: when have you extended unexpected generosity to someone else? Let’s surprise someone with some of that today.

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How the Bible is Trustworthy

All of God’s communication in the Scriptures are covenantal in nature. Expressing his covenantal love and faithfulness, God stoops to “breath” Scripture as a means of bearing witness to his covenant relationship with Israel, and then with the Church. Ultimately God “breathed” (2 Tim 3:16) the Scriptures in order to bear witness to the One…

Lighten Up: Dance!

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A Review of a Review of Benefit of the Doubt

I’d like to offer a brief response to a curious on-line review of Benefit of the Doubt,  published on thechristians.com. It’s titled, Which came first, Jesus or the Bible? A clever heretic draws a false division between God and Scripture.  That “clever heretic” would be yours truly, and I allegedly draw this false division in…

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Podcast: Why Should We Trust that the Bible is Divinely Inspired?

Greg argues why he thinks we can trust that the Bible is divinely inspired.   http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0225.mp3