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The Deepest Reality of Christmas
Christmas is about so much more than what our culture has made it to be. It’s about the unraveling and reversing of the curse. It’s about the coming of God to us in love and humility. That’s the real gift and the deepest reality of Christmas. Bless you all today as you reflect on these things.
Greg and the ReKnew Team
Related Reading

Simple Holidays
Lawrence OP via Compfight Here’s a reflection from Joshua Becker on Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing During the Holidays. From the article: Surely, each of us will define our holiday most important differently. Many will seek spiritual renewal. Some will celebrate family. Some will refocus on giving to others. Some will seek rest. Some will…

Podcast: Should We Expose Santa and the Easter Bunny as Frauds to Our Kids?
Greg pulls back the curtain on holiday fraud in this disenchanting roller coaster of an episode. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0297.mp3

The Incarnation as an Example of Cross-Cultural Love
Beautiful Faces of Palestine via Compfight Christena Cleveland wrote an excellent piece about the radical cross-cultural nature of the incarnation. I’ve never thought of it quite this way before, but the incarnation is the most profound instance of entering into another culture in a selfless way. Moving outside of our “cultural comfort zone” to more…

Lighten Up: Christmas Gift Suggestion
Finally, a toy that will help kids learn about the true character of God and the type of assault weapon he favors. *sarcasm* (Thanks to Robert Martin and Benjamin L. Corey for the heads up.)

Myth Become History
The Gospel of John tells of the coming of Jesus in an unusual way. John writes: In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. Everything came into existence through him. Not one thing that exists was made without him. He was the source of life, and…