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Christmas is Subversive…

…at least the first Christmas was.

When Jesus came it was about the birth of a subversive ruler who brought a subversive kingdom. He is a king that came to introduce a reign that would overthrow the world.

Click here for a brief reflection by Greg on Subversive Christmas, brought to you by Nomad.

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On Renunciation

  Jonathan Kos-Read via Compfight We are bombarded daily with messages that urge us to satisfy every desire we might have. That’s what consumers do. And that’s exactly what the world has reduced us to: consumers. But what about Jesus’ words in Luke 9:23: Then Jesus said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must…

Was Jesus Really Human Like the Rest of Us?

Did Jesus really live as a human like you and I do? Or did he walk around with special divine powers that we don’t have? In the previous post, I introduced the question: How was God both fully God and fully man? I explained the classical model of the Incarnation which views the incarnate Jesus…


Was Jesus Fully God and Fully Human?

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Podcast: Why Did Jesus Need to Be Baptized?

Greg submerges himself in the topic of Jesus’ baptism. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0078.mp3

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The Cruciform Center Part 4: How Revelation Reveals a Cruciform God

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