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Lighten Up: Open Theism T-Shirt

T-shirt on Zazzle designed by Jin_roh.

Related Reading

Lighten Up: How to Move Through Fear

Are you struggling with fear over a new challenge? Here are two simple techniques that might help you to get past it. Have a great weekend everyone! Video credit: Emily Pereira on The Huffington Post

How do you respond to Romans 8:29-30?

Question: Romans 8:29–30 says that everyone God foreknew he predestined. You deny both that God foreknows and predestines individual believers. So this verse seems to refute your open view. Answer: First, as many exegetes have noted, the sort of “knowing” Paul intends in this passage is not merely intellectual knowledge, but rather an intimate affection.…

Paradigm Shift Questions

A couple that was recently introduced to ReKnew and several of my books recently wrote to tell me that they are in the process of embracing the warfare worldview along with the open view of the future. They said that they “realize that these things aren’t minor adjustments but are rather all-encompassing paradigm shifts in…


Lighten Up: When God Drags Us

How often do you think God drags you? We suspect, out of love, he does this quite a bit.

Free Will: The origin of evil

In this continuing series on free will, Greg discusses how evil can only be accounted for if we acknowledge free will. This is especially true if you believe that God is good.

Free Will: What about “natural” evil? Was Hurricane Sandy a Free Agent?

What about natural evil? How does free will help to make sense of this? Greg reflects on the origins of sickness, natural disaster, animal suffering and so on. Hope you’re enjoying the series so far. There’s more to come!